Definately Not Sesame Street
My husband and I have lived in our new house for less than a year now. We love our house, but not so thrilled with our neighborhood. It's not horrible and we are not looking to move anytime soon, but within the next 3-5 years for sure. The block is a nice mixture of young and old and all races.
Well...there are quite a few kids in the neighborhood, mainly black. No...I'm not racist, just trying to set the background. Well, I guess one day, my brother came home from work and he heard the kids refer to us as "the Johnsonites". What the hell that term is supposed to mean, I'm not sure. I think we all interpreted that as the white folks. So, we sometimes refer to each other as Mr. or Mrs. Johnson. I think it's funny! My husband asked around at work if anyone had heard that term before and nobody, maybe it's just some new younger child lingo that I'm not hip on, or just some smartass little kid...I don't know.
I just want you all to know that we have all been nothing but nice to the neighbor kids, and there are even a couple that go out of their way to come over and say hi when I'm outside watering my plants. So, I don't know what is up with these damn kids these days!!!! I'm turning into my mother. Let me know what you guys think "Johnsonite" refers to.