Sunday, April 08, 2007

I finally did it.....

First off.....HAPPY EASTER! The best part about today has been that I successfully found Cadbury Creme Eggs at Wal Mart, when I haven't been able to find them anywhere else. They're like easter crack. But more importantly, after more than a year, I FINALLY finished reading "Atlas Shrugged". I know it's kinda sad that it has taken me that long, but I have to say that it was definately worth reading. Ayn Rand does such a good job describing the characters, you really get a sense of how they feel and what motivates them to strive for their goals (or lack there of). It was also the longest book I think I've ever read. Over 1000 pages and extremely small print too. Now I can move on to one of the other books that I've had to hold off on until that one was done. It's really funny though. I was reading the book thinking to myself..."Man, this would make a really good movie. Long, but still...a good movie." So, I get online and start looking up stuff about the book, and come to find out, they are gonna start filming this year on Atlas Shrugged. It is supposed to premere next year and the lead that they cast as Dagny is Angelina Jolie. Now I like her in most of her movies and I think that she would do a good job with this role, but when I picture Dagny Taggart...I definately don't see someone as blatantly attractive as Angelina Jolie. The idea that I have of Dagny is someone a little more plain and that doesn't emit physical beauty, but more of a sense of knowledge, power and self confidence that makes her attractive. I'm interested to see how Angelia pulls off this role and who else will be cast.

Monday, February 27, 2006

Man's Best Friend's been quite a weekend. Not only did I have to say goodbye to some dear friends heading out West, but I have to now come to terms that my dog, Chewie, is very sick. I am not sure how sick, until we get the bloodwork back. A couple weeks ago, we had to take him to the vet because he seemed to be having an eye problem. The vet treated it with antibiotics and they seemed to be working, but within the past 5 days, he's taken a turn for the worse.

I took Chewie to the vet on Friday and they said that he was not healthy and judging by the color of his skin and gums, possibly needing a blood transfusion. They did a white blood cell count, and he just passed. But he has been on medicine ever since and they said that at this point they are worried about keeping him alive. Needless to say say, I broke down. I NEVER imagined something as drastic as what the doctor told me. I usually consider myself quite strong in these types of situations, but at that moment it hit me. I try not to let others see me makes me feel weak. I have always been able to put on a brave face in stressed ordeals, but obviously not when it comes to my dog. I have always considered Chewie as my son. I just don't know what to do in this situation.

Danny took him to the vet today and they are doing some more blood tests, but they are baffled. So far, all the tests they have run have come out normal. They told us that our other options now are to take him to a specialist or to Auburn University to thet Veterinary School. Well, as a lab technician, I don't make squat for money and don't know if I can afford the time or money to do all of these other options. I am torn however because I do feel like he is my child and I want to do everything I can possibly do to make him better. The doctor told Danny that we won't know for sure what the hell is going on until the tests come back, but his guess would be cancer.

This is so damn scary. This has progressed so quickly, all the symptoms have recntly shown up in the past month. So, if this is as bad as we're hoping it isn't, then the question is is how quick is this going to keep ravaging his already weak body! It's so pitiful to see him lose his eyesight. Walking around the house like one of those remote control cars that hit walls and turn. Really, though...that's what it's like. All I can do is hope that this is really nothing and that the doctors are preparing us for the worst. We'll know more later though! Until then...I guess I'll just keep hoping!

Sunday, November 27, 2005

Bird Watching

When I was little, my grandpa and I, used to go to the nature park and bird watch. He was an avid bird watcher and knew all the birds by their coloration and calls. He would bring his book and binoculars and we would sit and watch and listen.

Well, I was outside yesterday morning, drinking my morning cup of coffee, relaxing and I heard a bird chirping and about died when I heard this call. Now I swear, and I'm not crazy that the birds are now adapting to technology! Several months ago, I was sitting outside and I heard a bird that sounded exactly like the Nextel chirp. Anyways...this particular chirp that I heard yesterday, sounded exactly like Quagmire...yes Quagmire from The Family Guy. I heard a distinct "Giggedy giggedy". Unfortunately, there was no one there to share in my instead...what a great post. Since it has been awhile after all!

Monday, October 31, 2005

I Want Sex AND Candy


10. You are guaranteed to get at least a little something in the sack.

9. If you get tired, you can wait 10 minutes and go at it again.

8. The uglier you look, the easier it is to get some.

7. You don't have to compliment the person who gives you so me.

6. It's O.K. when the person you're with fantasizes you're someone else, because you are.

5. Forty years from now you'll still enjoy candy.

4. If you don't like what you get, you can always go next door.

3. It doesn't matter if the kids hear you moaning and groaning.

2. Less guilt the morning after.

1. You can do the whole neighborhood.

Halloween Was a Bust!

Well...the night started off with the kids coming around trick or treating. The first group of kids were so cute and were offered up as much candy at our house as they wanted, so they polite and took two pieces. They were all dressed up and cute! After that, it went completely downhill from there. All the other kids weren't even dressed up and they were carrying around plastic grocery bags! How damn sad. At least throw on some face paint or some crap....but give me a break! Yes, I admit, I went trick or treating every year until the age of 18, I know a little too old, but at least I dressed in costume and put in a little effort. Damn kids, want something for nothing.

Well, after all the kids came around...Danny and I decided to watch a movie. We're sitting on the couch and all of a sudden I see something bright outside. At first I thought that one of the pumpkins had caught fire....then the doorbell rang! Danny got up to see who it was...nobody! Ah...but wait, there was something....a flaming bag of dog poop! seems people actually still do that. Of course, my mind flashes back to "Billy Madison"...."Don't stomp it out with your boots Danny!" We looked around the signs of anybody or anything. Danny swore he saw a truck drive I think of the only people I know with trucks...(you know who you are!) So...I had to make a phone call and check on some whereabouts! Needless to say, I' hoping it was just a random prank! Cuz that was damn gross! But the night was eventful at least. We took a picture...but its so disgusting, I can't even bring myself to post it.

Sunday, October 23, 2005

My family is falling apart!

My mom is coming down to visit in a couple weeks. My parents are going to fly me home and then my mom and I are driving down a rental truck full of crap from home. Here's the situation...she has been smoking as long as I can remember. And whenever she gets around us, she seems to smoke twice as much! Social thing I guess. But she has quit. She's doing a really good job with it too, but I don't know how she'll do once she gets around a house full of smokers. She said she thinks the toughest part will be the 16-18 hour drive down! Cause that's when I have a hard time not chain smoking, is when I'm driving....and dammit, I'm gonna be smokin'!

But here's the other weird thing. My dad, as long as I can remember, has always been a drinker. A couple beers after work...etc. Well, my mom told me that since she has quit smoking, he has given up drinking. What the hell is going on? My family as I have always known it is crumbling apart!!! I know, it's a good thing. Maybe they are realizing that they are habit that they must change to better their lives. More power to them! It's just weirding me out a bit!

We'll see how mom does when she gets down here and I get a few drinks in her though! I just call it a test of will power! Let the games begin.

Tuesday, September 13, 2005


Went camping this weekend, and what a perfect weekend it was. The weather was great, we didn't even need to cover the top...which meant we didn't have to wake up sweating and we could actually sleep a little longer than 6:30! We had a couple visitors.....
We had some drinks, smores and music.....
....and we even went fishing!

We had a great time, but we decided that our next camping outting should be a snorkeling one. If any of you know of any place within a few hour drive of the FL panhandle, let me know. I told everyone that the only place that I could think of would be Port St. Joe, which is actually quite nice for snorkeling but I've never actually camped if you know of any other places, please let me know. Hopefully we can do that within the next couple months before it gets too cold to swim.

Sunday, September 04, 2005

Bonding With The Family

Since it is a long holiday weekend, my in-laws came down to visit. My nephew is living with us for a little while and his wife, daughter and mother came down friday. I was gonna drag the girls out friday for some drinks and dancing, but they didn't get here til late, so we just stayed home. But last night we went all out!!! Danny's sister stayed at home with the baby, while the rest of us went out. I finally did it! I went to a strip club!

I've been saying I was gonna go for some time now. (I know this sounds weird, but keep in mind we are all about the same age) It was my brother Brad, my husband, and my nephew and his wife. Family night out! I thought that it might be weird going with all family members, but it was a blast! It's so true that females get more attention. I got boobs in my face all night and one of the strippers kissed me. Suprised the hell outta me, but I was pretty drunk (go figure)! My niece Amy and I felt like groupies! Everytime we went to the bathroom, it was full of strippers. They have such crappy work conditions, that they have to get ready and change in the womens bathroom. So, we hung out in the bathroom a couple times talking with the girls.

Now I've been drunk with all of them before, just not in that atmosphere. But my brother cracked me up all night! He got wasted and I thought he was gonna get kicked out. Now, even I know the rules about no touching! But everytime there was a girl dancing in front of him (which was every dancer), she told hime not to touch! And he would just smile and sing with the music! SO hilarious! He knew exactly what he was doing too. So, my first strip club experience....I would rate an A.