Sunday, October 23, 2005

My family is falling apart!

My mom is coming down to visit in a couple weeks. My parents are going to fly me home and then my mom and I are driving down a rental truck full of crap from home. Here's the situation...she has been smoking as long as I can remember. And whenever she gets around us, she seems to smoke twice as much! Social thing I guess. But she has quit. She's doing a really good job with it too, but I don't know how she'll do once she gets around a house full of smokers. She said she thinks the toughest part will be the 16-18 hour drive down! Cause that's when I have a hard time not chain smoking, is when I'm driving....and dammit, I'm gonna be smokin'!

But here's the other weird thing. My dad, as long as I can remember, has always been a drinker. A couple beers after work...etc. Well, my mom told me that since she has quit smoking, he has given up drinking. What the hell is going on? My family as I have always known it is crumbling apart!!! I know, it's a good thing. Maybe they are realizing that they are habit that they must change to better their lives. More power to them! It's just weirding me out a bit!

We'll see how mom does when she gets down here and I get a few drinks in her though! I just call it a test of will power! Let the games begin.


At 10/23/2005 11:15 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

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At 10/24/2005 6:25 PM , Blogger Brillig said...

Maybe she smokes around you guys more because you make her uncomfortable. You should maybe all try and give up smoking while she's around, hell maybe you'll all quit together...pppppffffftttt! Sorry, thats lame. If anything you should all smoke more! One word, inheritance. There nuff said.

At 10/25/2005 12:20 PM , Blogger Singularity said...

The true test of self control is how well you can resist in the face of temptation. If she's serious about this you will not deter her from her chosen decision. Just don't flaunt it in her face thats disrespectful.

At 10/25/2005 5:39 PM , Blogger Da Beef said...

She said we don't make her uncomfortable, or stressed...just something to do. Why would I disrespect my mom? She's one of my best friends. God!!! sounds like Confuscious....Mad Mike says....

Quit! I am not a quiter! Plus, everyone has to be willing to quit, and that doesn't seem to be the majority around here. I'd just be happy with smoking outside!

At 10/26/2005 2:34 AM , Blogger Singularity said...

I'm just saying your friend is wicked fecking smert


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