Monday, February 27, 2006

Man's Best Friend's been quite a weekend. Not only did I have to say goodbye to some dear friends heading out West, but I have to now come to terms that my dog, Chewie, is very sick. I am not sure how sick, until we get the bloodwork back. A couple weeks ago, we had to take him to the vet because he seemed to be having an eye problem. The vet treated it with antibiotics and they seemed to be working, but within the past 5 days, he's taken a turn for the worse.

I took Chewie to the vet on Friday and they said that he was not healthy and judging by the color of his skin and gums, possibly needing a blood transfusion. They did a white blood cell count, and he just passed. But he has been on medicine ever since and they said that at this point they are worried about keeping him alive. Needless to say say, I broke down. I NEVER imagined something as drastic as what the doctor told me. I usually consider myself quite strong in these types of situations, but at that moment it hit me. I try not to let others see me makes me feel weak. I have always been able to put on a brave face in stressed ordeals, but obviously not when it comes to my dog. I have always considered Chewie as my son. I just don't know what to do in this situation.

Danny took him to the vet today and they are doing some more blood tests, but they are baffled. So far, all the tests they have run have come out normal. They told us that our other options now are to take him to a specialist or to Auburn University to thet Veterinary School. Well, as a lab technician, I don't make squat for money and don't know if I can afford the time or money to do all of these other options. I am torn however because I do feel like he is my child and I want to do everything I can possibly do to make him better. The doctor told Danny that we won't know for sure what the hell is going on until the tests come back, but his guess would be cancer.

This is so damn scary. This has progressed so quickly, all the symptoms have recntly shown up in the past month. So, if this is as bad as we're hoping it isn't, then the question is is how quick is this going to keep ravaging his already weak body! It's so pitiful to see him lose his eyesight. Walking around the house like one of those remote control cars that hit walls and turn. Really, though...that's what it's like. All I can do is hope that this is really nothing and that the doctors are preparing us for the worst. We'll know more later though! Until then...I guess I'll just keep hoping!


At 3/12/2006 2:18 PM , Blogger LJ said...

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At 3/12/2006 2:21 PM , Blogger LJ said...

I'm so sorry to hear about Chewie. I know pets are like a member of the family. He is such a sweet dog. Let us know how the tests come back. We miss you guys, and will be hoping the best for Chewie.

P.s. I screwed up on the first attempt, so I deleted it. oops.

At 4/02/2006 8:07 AM , Blogger cj said...

Hi, I'm Mark's mom and just happened to see your post after I read Mark and Laura's blog this morning. I can really understand how you are feeling. We had to let go of a dog two weeks ago and it just so hard to do. It just seems to come out of nowhere. We knew she had some convulsions but they were 4-6 weeks apart and other than that she seemed fine. Although my head tells me that I knew the dog would go before I did, and I know it was the best thing we could do for her on the last day....still it is painful. Wish I didn't have to see her the way she was at the end. I hope the best for Chewie. I'll pray to the dog god tonight.


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