Sunday, February 20, 2005

Let me explain.....

MS Junior stands for Martha Stewart. No, I know what you are thinking. I do not strive to be Martha. I just think that she is a smart woman who has done some stupid things. However, she loves what she does and is good at it. I thouroughly enjoy all the basics in life. Don't get me wrong, I love watching tv and playing around on the computer. But when it comes down to it, I would much rather be passing my time by sewing, cooking, reading, crossword puzzles, camping and even cleaning...yes, I enjoy cleaning! I know I'm lame. My mother is the same way though. I have the hardest time being idle for too long. It is hard for me to watch an entire movie without getting up to do drives my husband crazy!!!! Maybe I need to cut back on the caffeine. Ummm......not gonna happen though. Which reminds me.....gotta go get a refill, so I'll get back to ya'll later!


At 2/21/2005 9:33 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah, she's nuts.


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